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East Lansing community photo contest requests submissions

July 14, 2013

Lansing Community College student Lang Thai always considered photography a hobby, but he never thought his nighttime photo of Spartan Stadium would land him a $50 Meijer gift card.

This July, Thai seeks to continue his successful photography run in the East Lansing Community Photo Contest, where community members of all ages are invited to display their photogenic talent by submitting up to five photos taken in East Lansing.

Contestants may submit entries online at the city of East Lansing website, and should also print the entry and model release forms. Entries and paperwork may also be mailed or dropped off on a CD at City Hall, 410 Abbot Road.

Submissions should not be heavily edited and should be taken in high resolution. The contest ends on Oct. 11.

The top three photos will be awarded with a $100 , $50 and $25 Meijer gift cards. Winning photos will be featured in East Lansing publications, such as the annual report and community calendar.

“We (get to) use the great photos that our community sends to us, but it also provides a nice opportunity for them to participate in a friendly competition,” East Lansing Communications Coordinator Mikell Frey said.

After taking a look at last year’s winning photos, East Lansing resident Nathan Gillespie said he was proud to see his hometown had so much aesthetic capability.

“It’s rare to see that clear of a picture of a great glimpse into our local wildlife,” Gillespie said of last year’s winning photo of the Red Cedar River by Tracy Key.

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