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E.L. bike shop relocates to new Grand River Avenue location

July 8, 2013
	<p>Evergreen Cycles and Repair store manager Justin Miernik puts air in a tire July 8,2013 at Evergreen Cycles and Repair store, 545 E. Grand River. Miernik said the store works on about five to ten bikes a day. Weston Brooks/The State News</p>

Evergreen Cycles and Repair store manager Justin Miernik puts air in a tire July 8,2013 at Evergreen Cycles and Repair store, 545 E. Grand River. Miernik said the store works on about five to ten bikes a day. Weston Brooks/The State News

Professional Irish cyclist Dan Martin rode a Cervelo RCA bicycle when he won the ninth stage of Tour de France 2013; that same brand has now rolled into downtown East Lansing.

Evergreen Cycles and Repair, previously located at 314 Evergreen Ave., has relocated its ambitious twist on the traditional bicycle store to 545 E. Grand River Ave. The business carries the Cervelo and Norco brands, the weapon of choice for professional cyclists, according to Evergreen Cycles Owner Hunter Seyfarth.

“It’s incredible how comfortable these things are for how quick they are,” Seyfarth said. “If you ever go to triathlons, and you look at a lot of the serious riders, a lot of them are going to be riding Cervelos.”

After 15 years of experience working on bicycles — from building structures, minor and major repairs, sales and creating orders — Seyfarth decided it was time to turn his passion into a profession. He said his business is not tied to major manufacturers that require bulk purchases. Thus, customers know the products in the house are the best on the market.

MSU alumnus James Nixon said he wouldn’t be getting around campus as fast if it wasn’t for Seyfarth’s help.

“Biking is the most efficient way to get around; it’s easy and reliable,” Nixon said. “People forget how much fun it is to bike.”

Evergreen Cycles and Repair employee Justin Miernik encourages cyclists to take advantage of the repair stand in the back of the store, which is free of charge. Miernik called the service “a good will kind of deal,” possible because of the new location’s space. Tools are available for use as well.

“If you buy your parts online, come in and put them on,” Miernik said.

MSU has promoted itself as a bicycle friendly university through the MSU Bikes Service Center on campus, 434 Farm Lane. MSU Bikes Service Center Senior Mechanic Jordan Fox considers Evergreen’s new location a sign that MSU is upholding its active reputation.

“We are not worried they are going to steal our business,” Fox said. “We’re glad to see more active community growth.”

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