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Potter Park Zoo in Lansing welcomes 3 new otter pups

June 9, 2013

Potter Park Zoo is now home to three new North American River Otter pups, with this being the first time an otter pup was born at the Potter Park Zoo.

Giving company to the zoo-born otter pup, named Miles, are two adopted otter pups from Alexandria Zoo in Louisiana named Bonnie and Clyde. Due to the complications at birth, Miles currently is hand-reared.

“We have to hand-raise him, we cannot put him back with the mother,” Veterinarian at the zoo, Tara Harrison said.

Although heat generally is a problem for animals accustomed to the cold weather of the north, Harrison said she is not worried about the pups reacting to the warm weather since they tend to swim often.

“Otters love to swim a lot,” she said. “They are very active. We don’t have to worry about overheating.”

The pups, which currently are not available to the public, are expected to be brought out to the open display in a month.

Payal Ravani, marketing coordinator at the zoo, said the two pups were adopted to keep Miles company as he grows up.

“It is important for the one born here to have other otters to learn with, to swim and play,” Ravani said.

General Curator Cynthia Wagner said the otter pups always have been favored by the public and draw big attention at the zoo.

“The otters are one of (the) public’s favorite animals since they are very active and the public enjoy(s) watching them swim underwater,” Wagner said.

Ravani said announcements on the opening of the otters for public display can be
expected soon.

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