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Grand River Avenue construction wrapping up this weekend

June 13, 2013

Sights and sounds of Grand River construction June 11, 2013.

Every lane of Grand River Avenue will be open by Monday at the latest, almost two months ahead of schedule, Michigan Department of Transportation, or MDOT, Project Engineer Greg Losch said.

While the Grand River Avenue section will be complete this weekend, new curb ramps and other minor work till is needed, Losch said.

“There may be intermittent lane closures, but the work won’t take long,” Losch said.

He said crews should complete all minor work by next week, or the end of June at the latest.

This leg of the campuswide construction originally was scheduled for completion by Aug. 9, but Losch said they incentivize this portion of the construction because it cuts off access to large portion of East Lansing.

“We try to impact people in the least way possible, and this got us out of there faster,” Losch said.
Losch added that when MDOT planned a crew or two for a portion of the project, the contractor supplied three or four, which doubled the construction process.

He said the contractor’s incentive is an additional payment if the project is completed on or before the targeted date, which helps crews to “get in, get out and get it done.”

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