Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Face Time with Tom Anastos

May 22, 2013


Former MSU hockey player Torey Krug has made an immediate impact for the Boston Bruins amidst the ongoing battle for Lord Stanley.

After being pulled up from the AHL’s Providence Bruins for the Eastern Conference semifinals, Krug had little time to get acclimated not only to the speed of NHL hockey, but Stanley Cup playoff hockey.

Better learn quickly, kid.

That’s exactly what he did. Krug scored the game-tying power-play goal, his first NHL goal, to force game one to overtime against the New York Rangers. The Bruins went on to win in overtime.

Krug wasn’t done quite yet. In game two, he showed some fancy between-the-legs stick work to score the first goal and added an assist to go with it.

The State News spoke with MSU hockey head coach Tom Anastos, discussing his former pupil Krug’s performance in the Stanley Cup playoffs.

The State News: Are you surprised by the immediate success Krug has had so early in his NHL career?
Tom Anastos: No, I’m not surprised. I expected him to be able to go there and compete for playing time. He’s done a really good job of producing points and making the transition into pro hockey from the Providence Bruins. I thought he demonstrated that he could play, and he’s done that in a big way.

TSN: How did the experience Krug received at MSU help his transition to the NHL?
TA: He got a lot of playing experience the day he entered Michigan State; in his junior year, he was a real go-to player for us. He was a leader both on and off the ice, a real good teammate.

TSN: Being 5 feet 9 inches, how has Krug made up for his lack of size as a defenseman?
TA: Oftentimes it’s a big man’s game, and certainly defense is a big man’s position, in many cases, but he’s learned how to use the assets he has. I think the biggest asset he has is (his intelligence) … he’s able to think through what gives him the best chance to have success.

TSN: Being an MSU alumnus, what is it like seeing players such as Krug and Justin Abdelkader (Detroit Red Wings) making an impact for their teams in the playoffs?
TA: It’s very meaningful for our program because all of our players are watching those guys. Of course, there’s great pride from Spartans everywhere … to see them not only playing in the Stanley Cup playoffs, but being impact players for their teams in the Stanley Cup playoffs.

TSN: In your one year with Krug, what was it like working with him?
TA: It’s just a pleasure to work with him. He practiced (and) played hard. He did all the things off the ice that you want representing the program; he was an excellent student. He was just all in, totally committed to Michigan State.

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