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E.L. City Council to decide on two developers to obtain city land

May 22, 2013

DTN Management Co. and Lurvey White Ventures were recommended to the East Lansing City Council by the Park District Planning Area Review Team to potentially obtain a slot of vacant downtown land including the former City Center II project area to develop projects.

A 14-2 vote at Wednesday’s meeting at City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, eliminated Urban Cultural and Arts District LLC from contention. The decision was the culmination of two months of discussions, where criteria was reviewed, proposals scored, public interviews conducted and a financial review administered for the top three developers.

DTN Management Co. is proposing to build a new parking structure that would have 400 park ing spaces and a 10-story building with hotel and residential units. Lurvey White Ventures’ proposal would include a year-round farmers market, a 120-room hotel with a 200-person banquet center and new parking and residential mixed-use buildings.

The city council will begin discussions on the developers in June and review both developers throughout the summer, East Lansing City Manager George Lahanas said.

“Financial information is really critical,” East Lansing Director of Planning and Community Development Tim Dempsey said. “We all know the history of this project and the importance of, whichever developer we select, being open about sharing documentation.”

Dempsey, who made the motion to approve DTN Management Co. and Lurvey White Ventures, also commended the businesses’ experience of completing projects of this level of complexity and significance.

City attorney Tom Yeadon said he received a call from Flint Mayor Dayne Walling about Lurvey White Ventures’ good reputation for being on time with their projects.

East Lansing resident Eliot Singer said he had concerns about DTN Management Co.’s integrity in collaboratively working with the city of East Lansing.

“DTN has basically behaved like a bully and has shown no sincere interest in more than a nominal show of working with the community,” Singer said. “We have had enough of arrogant developers.”

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