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Simon speaks at COGS meeting, hears students' admin, parking concerns

April 10, 2013
	<p><span class="caps">MSU</span> President Lou Anna K. Simon speaks to members of the audience attending the final meeting of the Council of Graduate Students April 10, 2013, at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum. Adam Toolin/The State News</p>

MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon speaks to members of the audience attending the final meeting of the Council of Graduate Students April 10, 2013, at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum. Adam Toolin/The State News

Editor’s note: The headline of this story and its second paragraph have been changed to accurately reflect the question and answer period of the meeting.

At the last Council of Graduate Students, or COGS, meeting of the semester, students had the chance to voice concerns to MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon.

Students’ questions primarily related to campus parking and administrative positions at the meeting, which was held at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum in honor of the student government’s 45th completed year.

Simon gave a presentation at the meeting, focusing on upcoming budget plans and how the Bolder by Design program affects graduate and professional students. After her presentation, Simon took questions from COGS members, including concerns about the external search for a vice president for student affairs and services.

Simon briefly responded, saying it would be resolved soon.

Denise Maybank has been the interim vice president for student affairs and services since Jan. 1, 2011.

COGS President Stefan Fletcher voiced concerns during the meeting about when the interim title will be lifted, or if someone else will take over the position.

“The problem is that it has been happening for two-plus years,” Fletcher said. “I think you see from the council, understanding and support for the work that Dr. Maybank, as she has been interim, has done in that position to advance how graduate and professional students interact and are served by the division of student affairs. I think what folks want is clarity — a permanent vice president of student affairs being in place.”

Simon also addressed a concern from a COGS member about potentially consolidating on-campus parking lots by building a parking garage. The student was worried if the parking lots were consolidated, parking near her office would be eliminated.

In response, Simon referenced the Campus Master Plan, a portion of the university’s 20/20 Vision, which the MSU Board of Trustees passed in December 2001. Some aspects of the plan would replace surface lots near Shaw and Farm lanes with a central parking garage.

Simon said if the university closes parking, it would consider closing the parking structure “next to the river.” She did not specify which lot she was referring to, but Parking Ramp No. 2 is near the Red Cedar River.

“The parking ramp that is most at risk is the one next to the river,” she said.

Simon said there are no plans to eliminate the structure within the next year.

Former COGS officials were in attendance to celebrate the completion of the 45th year, including former COGS Presidents Dennis Martell and Rachel Naegele. As part of the celebration, both gave short speeches on how COGS affected their lives.

“COGS doesn’t mean much to me,” said Martell, now the director of health promotion at Olin Health Center “It means much more for the people who come after me. We try to make it an environment where you can succeed.”

COGS held eight full council meetings during the academic year and will operate under Fletcher next year, in what he has said will be his final year with the organization.

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