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Precautions in place in case of severe weather

April 11, 2013
	<p>Psychology freshman Laura Bizzarri walks past a puddle behind <span class="caps">MSU</span> Ramp 2 near Red Cedar River April 11, 2013. Light, rain and occasional showers hovered in East Lansing, and the flood advisory for Red Cedar River remained in effect as of press time April 11. </p>

Psychology freshman Laura Bizzarri walks past a puddle behind MSU Ramp 2 near Red Cedar River April 11, 2013. Light, rain and occasional showers hovered in East Lansing, and the flood advisory for Red Cedar River remained in effect as of press time April 11.

April showers bring May flowers, but flowers are sparse on campus after Michigan had harsh storms during Severe Weather Awareness Week.

Gov. Rick Snyder declared this week through April 13 as Severe Weather Awareness Week, and MSU has joined the movement to let students know how to prepare for any type of severe weather.

The MSU community has been stepping in puddles the last few days, but MSU police Capt. Penny Fischer, who commands the emergency management and special events division, said weather will not stop getting the message out to residents about how to prepare in case Michigan weather turns nasty.

Fischer provides procedures for severe weather emergencies to the MSU community through email alerts and information on the MSU Police website.

The website recommends signing up for National Weather Service flood alerts, preparing a first aid kit, getting non-perishable food and bottled water, flashlights and extra batteries.

“On our own website, there is information on what to do in the event of severe weather striking,” Fischer said. “This is the time to start thinking about preparing and planning.”

Humanities-pre-law freshman Christina Melcher said being prepared for severe weather is important and hearing MSU pair up with Snyder is a good reinforcement.

“I don’t think you can ever be too prepared,” Melcher said. “I take Gov. Snyder seriously and MSU seriously, so having both of them reinforce this kind of information is helpful.”

As the rain falls this week, Fischer said there are procedures if the Red Cedar River overflowed, as Infrastructure Planning and Facilities monitors it.

Gus Gosselin, director of building services in Infrastructure Planning and Facilities, said the Red Cedar River has risen six inches between Wednesday and Thursday, but he is not worried about the river overflowing. As of Thursday, the river was about 5.2 feet. Flood level is 8 feet.

“There would have to be one heck of a rain storm for it to reach eight feet,” Gosselin said. “Depending on how fast it goes up, (it) depends on what procedures we would take.”

Gosselin said numerous people keep an eye on the river, and if it reaches 8 feet, he and the team start taking action.

“We have a flood data book that gives us all the instructions on plugging floor drains and where to sandbag,” Gosselin said.

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