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Park District developments chosen for financial review

April 18, 2013

After Wednesday’s meeting about the Park District Area proposals, three development proposals stand out amongst the rest of the bunch.

Lurvey White Ventures, Urban Cultural and Arts District LLC and Studio [Intrigue] Architects LLC, and DTN Management Co. were chosen by the review team after a lengthy meeting at City Hall.

The proposals call for a new parking structure, a grocery, a farmers market and mixed-use retail space, among others.

The proposals and discussion information will be reviewed by a financial subcommittee comprising of Finance Director Mary Haskell and City Attorney Tom Yeadon.

The next Park District meeting is scheduled for 3 p.m. May 22 at City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, and the financial capabilities of the developers will be discussed at the meeting. The team might make a final recommendation to council on which or how many developers will revamp the vacant properties across from Valley Court Park.

“We’ll ask the three developers that were selected to … open their books for us so we can go in and make sure they have the financial capacity to be recommended,” he said.

Yeadon said because the city has to go through some expense during the subcommittee review, they did not want to review four developers.

The developer closest to making the cut, Capstone Collegiate Communities LLC and Vlahakis Companies, had a score of 53.8 out of 85 possible points, behind DTN’s score of 59.6, which was third in the preliminary scoring and was selected for review.

East Lansing Planning, Building and Development Director Tim Dempsey said while Capstone had high credentials, what led to low scores, for him, was the developer’s lack of diversity with housing.

“They didn’t necessarily have a track record working in other housing types,” he said. “Focus on a single housing type without any other type of housing in their portfolio is a limiting factor.”

After the rescoring of the developers qualifications and scoring of their proposals, Lurvey White Ventures finished at the top with 66.1, Urban Cultural and Arts District LLC and Studio [Intrigue] Architects was second with 61.5 and DTN was third with 59.6.

Doug Jester, chairperson of the Park District Planning Area Review Team said these scores are preliminary and might change when the subcommittee comes back with the financial review.

When the scoring is all said and done, it will be up to the East Lansing City Council to decide which developer they will enter into a contract with to develop on the Park District Area site.

“Part of trying to find the right developer here is we want someone who not only has capacity but the willingness (to develop what) the community is seeking,” Dempsey said.

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