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Snyder to announce budget proposal Thursday

February 6, 2013

On Thursday, Gov. Rick Snyder will unveil his recommendation for Michigan’s budget for the 2014 fiscal year.

The event will mark Snyder’s third budget proposal since taking office in 2011.

The Michigan House and Senate both must pass Snyder’s budget proposal before it is implemented.

Snyder’s 2012 budget proposal cut higher education spending by about 15 percent. The following year, the governor increased higher education allocations by 3.1 percent.

The State News will be at the unveiling at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Boji Tower, 124 W. Allegan St., in Lansing.

Following the unveiling, Snyder will hold a press conference to discuss the budget at 2:15 p.m. at the George W. Romney Building, 111 S. Capitol Ave., in Lansing.

Later Thursday evening, the governor will participate in a televised town hall meeting at at 7 p.m. in Grand Rapids.

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