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Planned Parenthood closed, sexual health clinics still available

February 6, 2013
	<p>East Lansing resident Laura Mann, a medical technologist at Olin Health Center, processes specimens Wednesday inside Olin’s laboratory. </p>

East Lansing resident Laura Mann, a medical technologist at Olin Health Center, processes specimens Wednesday inside Olin’s laboratory.

The site of the Planned Parenthood clinic, formerly located at 515 E. Grand River Ave., has been closed since Jan. 31, 2012, but that hasn’t meant a lack of sexual health services for students in the area.

Desiree Cooper, director of community and media relations for Planned Parenthood of Mid and South Michigan, said the clinic on Grand River Avenue closed because many of the services also were available within blocks of the clinic at Olin Health Center.

“Our feeling was that students were pretty well served by the health center on campus,” Cooper said. “We didn’t close it because we were losing money or couldn’t afford it.”

With the nearest Planned Parenthood almost four miles away at 300 N. Clippert St., in Lansing, other available options for students include the Olin Health Center and Pregnancy Services, 1045 E. Grand River Ave.

Executive Director of Pregnancy Services Nancy Kujawa said she estimates the organization has seen a 25 percent increase in patients coming to the clinic since the Planned Parenthood on Grand River Avenue closed last year, but the increase in patients has not affected daily operations.

“We’re well staffed,” she said. “It’s been a good increase.”

Kathi Braunlich, marketing and communications manager for MSU Student Health Services, said it’s difficult to tell whether the loss of Planned Parenthood caused an increase in patients at Olin Health Center because the number of clients typically fluctuates yearly.

The health center offers similar services to the former East Lansing Planned Parenthood. The organization’s Lansing center offers abortion services, which are not offered on campus and were not offered at the former Planned Parenthood location.

The women’s health clinic in the Olin Health Center provides sexually transmitted infection testing and different types of contraceptives such as diaphragms, the patch, NuvaRing, and Plan B One-Step. For men, Braunlich said they can use the primary care clinic in Olin Health Center for any sexual-health needs.

Pregnancy Services offers counseling, pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, but not gynecological exams and birth control.

While some students might choose Olin or Pregnancy Services based on convenience, music performance senior Elizabeth Hoard said she sees her OB-GYN in Lansing because she’s more comfortable with her physician.

To Hoard, it’s “some place absolutely where I feel comfortable … some place where I feel safe.”

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