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Key issues addressed by President Simon

January 31, 2013

During her visit to The State News on Thursday, MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon spoke about many of the changes that have defined her nearly decade-long tenure at MSU.

From changes on campus to changes in the classroom, Simon has been a trendsetter in the Big Ten, as well as someone who actively has pushed to further the overall reputation of our university.

Throughout her incumbency, Simon has watched a university that once was academically snubbed transform into a force to be reckoned with in its conference.

But that doesn’t mean there still aren’t many changes that need to take place — the most pressing being issues with fundraising, the sustainability of MSU athletics and the relationship between the university and the City of East Lansing.

Simon admits MSU has not been as successful in raising donation dollars — unlike its rival, the University of Michigan — as she would like.

Since finding adequate funding from outside sources is one of the simplest ways to help deter tuition costs and ensure the livelihood of various programs, this issue is something the university, and Simon, should not take lightly.

Although MSU can be seen as being at a disadvantage in this area, and was noted by Simon to being late in the game as a big university in fundraising, there are many possible approaches to help redirect this problem.

One solution could be by expanding the growth of the Spartans Will campaign.

Since its inception in 2006, the Spartans Will campaign has provided outsiders with a look at the impact MSU graduates are having around the world.

By continuing to advertise the Spartans Will message on billboards and on televisions across the country, more awareness, support and funding can be generated for the university.

Attendance at sporting events — especially the football games — is another concern Simon addressed. And while she recognizes this is a growing problem at MSU, little action has been taken by the university to combat it.

Last week, a guest columnist for The State News wrote a column describing one possible solution to this problem — allowing alcohol to be sold at games.

The University of Minnesota recently implemented this policy and saw dramatic changes to attendance at football games. The average game revenue also increased — to almost $130,000 per game.

This is one of many solutions that could help the sustainability of MSU athletics while also having a positive impact on revenue.

One of the final issues Simon addressed was MSU’s relationship with the City of East Lansing. She noted the university usually is blamed for the residents’ unhappiness, including the selection of stores on Grand River Avenue.

But after years of inaction between the city and university, it is time for both parties to come together to create a more coherent plan for the area.

Finding a solution to these problems should be a top priority for President Simon in the coming years to further her vision for MSU.

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