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Campus police investigating reported assaults

February 11, 2013

Two reported assaults on campus this weekend, including one rape, are under investigation by MSU police.

MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said on Saturday an 18-year-old female student reportedly was sexually assaulted in Wonders Hall, and two female students said they were physically assaulted by an intoxicated male in Snyder Hall.

The reported rape in Wonders Hall occurred after a female victim went with a friend to the residence hall, where a group of individuals were drinking alcohol.

After laying down to go to sleep, the female was reportedly assaulted by an individual that had been with the group, McGlothian-Taylor said.

The suspect is described as a 5-foot-7 black male with a medium build and medium-length curly black hair.

He last was seen wearing black sweatpants and a white T-shirt. It is unknown whether the suspect is a student, McGlothian-Taylor said.

Also in the early morning hours of Saturday, an intoxicated 20-year-old male student reportedly entered the unlocked room of an 19-year-old female student in Snyder Hall and locked the door behind him, McGlothian-Taylor said.

The male, who was described as speaking incoherently, then reportedly slapped the female in the back of the head and tried to grab her, although she was able to get away and enter the room of a 20-year-old female on the same floor, McGlothian-Taylor said.

The male reportedly entered the second room before the women were able to lock the door, and after they tried to convince the man to leave he allegedly grabbed one of the women, at which point the other woman sprayed him with pepper spray.

McGlothian-Taylor said the women then were able to push the male out of the room and contact the police.

The male was treated by paramedics and taken to the hospital before being escorted to the MSU police station, McGlothian-Taylor said.

He is being charged with a minor in possession of alcohol and home invasion. The case will go to the Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office for review.

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