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Carmack trial to be held in next few months

January 16, 2013
	<p>Advertising junior Brandon Carmack sits and watches witness testimony Wednesday at City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, as the witness recalls what happened during the early hours of Aug. 28, 2012. State News File Photo</p>

Advertising junior Brandon Carmack sits and watches witness testimony Wednesday at City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, as the witness recalls what happened during the early hours of Aug. 28, 2012. State News File Photo

Advertising junior Brandon Carmack likely will be headed to trial within the coming months, Ingham County Prosecutor Stuart Dunnings III said.

Carmack is charged with two counts of assault and battery, one count stalking, one count of domestic assault and battery and one count of filing a false police report after reportedly attempting to assault his girlfriend in late August.

Bill Hankins, Carmack’s defense attorney, said he is in negotiations with the prosecutor’s office. Hankins said he believes MSU hockey players involved in the case are at fault and alleges they assaulted Carmack.

“They damn near killed the boy,” Hankins said. “I think the wrong people got charged in this case.”
Carmack originally was scheduled for a pretrial conference Wednesday, but the court appearance was changed to an off-the-record filing as the attorneys continue negotiations.

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