Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Students learn about healthy decision-making during Duck Days

April 25, 2012

More than 500 students had the chance to try on drunk goggles, play games and earn a free T-shirt when they stopped by the sidewalk near Olin Health Center on Wednesday to participate in Olin and the Residence Halls Association’s Duck Days event.

Students, community members, Olin Health Center professionals and the MSU Police Department contributed to the event.

The event was one of several held on campus throughout the year, said Rebecca Allen, alcohol, tobacco and other drug educator at Olin Health Center.

“We believe in giving students good, accurate information so they can make the choices that are best for them,” Allen said, adding the event helps to make health professionals and police officers more accessible and less intimidating.

The event included several different stations such as sexual health, fitness and alcohol safety. Allen said students had to go to each station before reaching the police table where they would receive a free Duck Days T-shirt.

General management freshman Vince Robinson Jr. said he was surprised to learn at the event that fewer students than he anticipated drink on the weekends.

“This should be something all students attend,” he said. “It’s very positive.”

MSU police Officer Tony Willis said students can learn much more than specific health-related information at Duck Days events.

“The more information and knowledge you can acquire and obtain, chances are you’re better off,” Willis said.

While the event was cheerful, with students and organizers alike laughing as students struggled to walk with drunk goggles on, some found the deeper meaning behind the event. Robinson said he recently had a friend pass away after drinking for the first time, and the event served as a good, friendly reminder for students to be smart.

“Your first time could be your last time,” Robinson said.

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