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Record highs raise spirits at MSU

March 13, 2012
Psychology freshman Alex Schrotenboer, left, smiles as he takes a rest outside Gilchrist Hall Tuesday afternoon after longboarding with Matt Smith, freshman in turfgrass management program. The weather in East Lansing hit a high of 64 degree on Tuesday, and the temperature is projected to be 25 to 30 degrees higher than average of March. Justin Wan/The State News
Psychology freshman Alex Schrotenboer, left, smiles as he takes a rest outside Gilchrist Hall Tuesday afternoon after longboarding with Matt Smith, freshman in turfgrass management program. The weather in East Lansing hit a high of 64 degree on Tuesday, and the temperature is projected to be 25 to 30 degrees higher than average of March. Justin Wan/The State News

Trading in coats and scarves for shorts and T-shirts, many students in East Lansing were celebrating Tuesday after a spell of potentially record-breaking warm weather hit Michigan, experts said.

While temperatures Tuesday were at about 64 degrees, well above average temperatures collected in the past, the warm and sunny weather is not expected to stop anytime
soon, said Janis Laurens, a meteorologist from the National Weather Service in Grand Rapids.

East Lansing’s average high temperature for March is about 43 degrees, according to

Expected temperatures during the next 10 days could break record highs, with estimated high temperatures expected to be 25 to 30 degrees above average, Laurens said.

“It’s just amazing,” Laurens said. “There’s no cold air in sight whatsoever.”

This particular heat spell stemmed from a stream of warm air coming from the Gulf Coast, Laurens said. He said temperatures are expected to stay consistently above average for the next 10 days, likely making the week and weekend sunny and warm.

In part because of an unusual northern path of a polar air stream, the entire winter has been a warm one for the most part, with few snowstorms coming Michigan’s way and the brunt of the cold weather heading to Canada, Laurens said.

Students around town have been taking the weather in stride, crowding the sidewalks, running and biking to class or work and spending time in the sunshine in other ways.

Few people were wearing coats Tuesday as they trekked across East Lansing, and some even braved shorts or skirts as they made their way through the day.

Accounting freshman Naha Gupta said she walked outside and instantly felt better. After months of dreary snow and chilly weather, Gupta said the sunshine and high temperatures were a nice change.

“The sun felt so good on my face,” Gupta said. “(Warm weather) just makes you happier.”

After walking outside to sunny skies before heading to class Tuesday morning, actuarial science freshman Joel Beltman decided it would be a good day to break out his skateboard and ride to class.

Sporting shorts and a T-shirt, Beltman said he’d been waiting for this weather all winter.

“I don’t even own a winter jacket,” Beltman said.

To Beltman, the warm weather is a precursor to good times, and he said he hopes it continues even past the next week.

“I’d be happy if it didn’t go under 40 degrees for the rest of the year.”

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