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Great outdoors: Warm weather causes people to unburrow

March 19, 2012

Being the anemic individual I am, I’ve never been particularly optimistic about Michigan weather. In the winter, it feels as though the constant chill never will leave my bones, and once it does begin to get warm, the persistent rain showers virtually cancel out the newfound heat. Each day, students walk from class to class like bundled-up zombies, all of them just waiting for their teeth to stop chattering.

In these early months, the past few consecutive weeks of nice weather we’ve had usually is virtually unheard of. With the first day of spring on Tuesday, the weather seems especially fitting. All around campus, students have come out of their winter hiding places as if they have become human once again, and it almost feels like the summer sunshine is here to stay.

Although the depressing winter mood seems to have lifted, when it comes to typical Michigan tendencies, it is most likely short-lived. Around this time of year, the weather in Michigan is unpredictable, to say the least. Just because this week includes 75-degree temperatures doesn’t mean it won’t snow next week. This type of rapid change is especially inconvenient for college students who are always on the move to and from class and work, and it can make matters a little frustrating.

Given the bipolar tendencies of this season’s typical weather, it’s easy to let the threat of getting caught in an impromptu rain storm or two make you bitter or anxious. But with a little preparation and appreciation, it’s easy to keep the optimism around even when the nice weather retreats.

I know it sounds cheesy, but getting out there and enjoying the heat while it’s around gives just the right kind of break from the cabin fever that ensues before spring. Sometimes all you need is a little taste of summer to get through the last leg of the cold season. Something as simple as a walk around campus can remind you about the importance of the little things that get lost in the shuffle of snow and storms.

It’s also important to do anything you can to lessen your own suffering once the cold hits again. Any small step to better prepare for any kind of weather, like checking the forecast online before you get ready in the morning, could prevent a clothing catastrophe. It also helps to have clothing for both warm and cold days available because although it’s tempting to swap out seasonal clothes to save space in small dorms, no one wants to be the one wearing a sweater and jeans in 80-degree sunshine.

Like it or not, the unpredictable Michigan weather is not easy to avoid.

But even amid weeks of cold, it’s important to appreciate the surprise sunshine that comes along.

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