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A beautiful lady for Valentine’s Day

February 13, 2012


To meet the requirement of becoming a journalist, I have to complete one English course before I graduate. And since I have a sincere love for poetry, I decided to take the English 129, Introduction to Reading Poetry course offered by professor Maurice Pogue.

After being in his class for a few weeks and putting my face into some famous poems by authors such as Shakespeare and Aristotle, I now understand how strong the words from a poem can mean to some people. And since today is Valentine’s Day, I thought it would be nice if I wrote a poem relating to this romantic holiday. So sit back and enjoy the writing, and if you have a loved one, then you should probably enjoy this writing with him/her also.

“Oh Beautiful Lady, what have you done to me?

A servant for your soul is what I have come to be, A strong affection for your desires is what inspires me, You got me feeling so off like a school teacher retiree, If I were a mere lady, then I would be your best friend, We would talk about your interests until we feel it’s day’s end, Then tomorrow morning we would awake, and your beautiful face I would see,

Oh Beautiful Lady, what have you done to me?

Every moment I catch her ocean eyes I get this weird feeling, Like an angel’s been sent, taking me above every ceiling, So please do God a favor and displace me where I need to be,

Oh Beautiful Lady, what have you done to me?

Her voice is so soft but demands one’s attention, With a foreign accent, oh how can I forget to mention, She answers every question, so shameless, so free,

Oh Beautiful Lady, what have you done to me?

She goes about her day with not much to say, A sad girl one might judge, so sorrowful, so gray, She may be plagued by a broken heart, I guess we’ll wait and see,

Oh Beautiful Lady, what have you done to me?

She’s a one-of-a-kind breed that you can’t sell in stores, But I must admit I’ve been a victim to this kind before, A seemingly perfect girl putting me through my worst misery,

Oh Beautiful Lady, what have you done to me?

For I can’t take another broken heart, my body can’t stand a chance, That’s why my soul is more tight than a Jonas Brothers’ pants, Nine months since my last, my heart has gone through pregnancy,

Oh Beautiful Lady, what have you done to me?

I come from a neighborhood where being a fighter is a must, And being a lover is not an option, so you battled for your lust, So I guess I am different, I am different apparently,

Oh Beautiful Lady, what have you done to me?

The reason I am confessing is because I want you to know the truth, There’s no point of being fake like my right top tooth, For I hope I haven’t come on too strong like a straight shot of whiskey,
Oh Beautiful Lady, what have you done to me?

My mother has always told me, ‘If a girl is pretty and nice, You make sure not to inform her once but you tell her that twice,’ So you’re nice, you’re nice, and you’re pretty, you’re pretty,

Oh Beautiful Lady, what have you done to me?

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What’s most interesting about you though is your parallel love for poetry, You got me writing lines I don’t believe or know it’s me, Just so my message can be sent to you; so my message you must decree,

Oh Beautiful Lady, what have you done to me?

In this day and age my actions label me as a weird fellow, But that was already true since my favorite Starbursts are orange and yellow, But I’m just an old-school guy, so old-school I will be,

Oh Beautiful Lady, what have you done to me?

Now I don’t want you thinking that I need you to be mine, Because like some Arabic tissue I will always be fine, We can just be friends, if not, then I guess it wasn’t meant to be,

Oh Beautiful Lady, what have you done to me?”

Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!

Omar Thabet is a State News guest columnist and journalism sophomore. Reach him at


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