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Teddy bears donated to Sparrow

January 16, 2012
Workers pick up teddy bears on ice thrown by the audience as donations to local charities after the MSU scored the first goal. The Michigan State Spartans defeated the Northern Michigan Wildcats, 2-1, Saturday night at Munn Ice Arena. Justin Wan/The State News
Workers pick up teddy bears on ice thrown by the audience as donations to local charities after the MSU scored the first goal. The Michigan State Spartans defeated the Northern Michigan Wildcats, 2-1, Saturday night at Munn Ice Arena. Justin Wan/The State News

It took more than 15 minutes for the MSU hockey team to score in its game Saturday night against Northern Michigan, but when the Spartans did find the net, dozens of stuffed animals showered the ice.

Fans tossed colorful teddy bears and stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes as part of MSU’s third annual Teddy Bear Toss, a promotional event to donate the animals to local children’s charities, including Lansing’s Sparrow Hospital Children’s Center.

The first goal drew loud cheers from a mostly full Munn Ice Arena, and the tossing of teddy bears was on.

MSU went on to beat Northern Michigan 2-1 after playing to a 5-5 tie Friday night against the Wildcats.

Kelly Hebert, a child life specialist at the Sparrow Children’s Center, said the donations of stuffed animals typically go a long way toward helping kids in the ward.

“I think it brightens their day,” she said. “They always enjoy gifts.”

Mason, Mich., resident Zach Shirer brought an oversized teddy bear that he threw onto the ice with the help of a friend, saying his motto for the night was “go big or go home.”

“We had the bear at home — we figured a kid would love it,” he said.

“It’s a good game (and) a good cause.”

Although other attendees opted for smaller stuffed animals, the arena ice was covered in parts with teddy bears and other furry creatures.

Shelby Township, Mich., resident Eric Burkheiser, his wife and two children brought stuffed animals in plastic bags to the game and were eagerly awaiting MSU’s first goal.

Burkheiser and his family heard about the Teddy Bear Toss event from a friend before eventually deciding to go to the game.

“I think it’s a fantastic opportunity to give back to the community,” he said.

MSU head coach Tom Anastos said his team takes “great pride” in participating in community outreach events such as Saturday night’s, and his players often lead the events themselves.

“It’s great to see such a wonderful turnout,” he said regarding attendance at the game.

“And I felt a little pressure there to score a goal, you know, to make sure we got those on the ice.”

Anastos also thanked Northern Michigan for participating in the event and allowing time for cleanup of the teddy bears.

“There’s a little bit of delay that takes place in the game, and you saw their players helping pick them up as well,” he said. “My hat’s off to them for being so cooperative and allowing it to take place.”

Staff writer Dillon Davis contributed to this report.

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