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City council to discuss hunting in E.L.

October 10, 2011

The East Lansing City Council will discuss options for control of wild animals and dead animal removal within city limits at its 7 p.m. Tuesday work session at City Hall, 410 Abbot Road.

Commonly reported problems of landscape damage and accidents involving deer prompted the discussion, according to a letter from East Lansing Environmental Specialist Dave Smith to the city manager. The letter lists enacting a feeding ban within the city, allowing hunting during state-permitted hunting seasons from the Department of Natural Resources, and sharpshooting as potential solutions to the issue.

East Lansing currently has two ordinances in place prohibiting the discharge of firearms within the city and hunting and trapping in city parks, which would not allow for hunting unless amended.

The council hopes to begin the discussion to try and come up with a deer management plan.

Council members also plan to discuss the next steps in finding a new city manager to replace former East Lansing City Manager Ted Staton, who left the office last Friday. Deputy City Manager George Lahanas is serving as interim city manager.

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