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E.L. Public Library offers free library cards to students

September 14, 2011
Brittany Oneal, MSU Graduate student, secludes herself in a corner on Wednesday at the East Lansing Public Library, 950 Abbot Road. The library is currently offering free library cards for MSU students valid for a three-year period. Mo Hnatiuk/The State News
Brittany Oneal, MSU Graduate student, secludes herself in a corner on Wednesday at the East Lansing Public Library, 950 Abbot Road. The library is currently offering free library cards for MSU students valid for a three-year period. Mo Hnatiuk/The State News

The East Lansing Public Library often offers student-friendly programming, but a feature implemented this fall might connect MSU to the library more than before.

The library will now offer all MSU students free library cards, regardless of whether or not they live within city limits, said Jill Abood, Head of Adult and Children’s Services.

Abood said the free cards for MSU students last for three years and previously only were offered to those living directly in East Lansing — not including the large population of those who commute or live in Meridian and Bath townships.

The move was meant to give a population close to the city’s library a greater opportunity to utilize its resources, she said.

“We’re committed to supporting MSU students in studies and recreation,” Abood said “We do see a lot of student activity.”

Ample parking opportunities, Wi-Fi access, free DVD rentals and a location close to campus make the library a hot spot for many students, Abood said.

Amanda Heydel, a materials science and engineering and German senior, said she goes to the library when she needs a quiet place to study, especially during finals week.

“I’ll go to the East Lansing library during the day if I want to study and because I can park there,” she said. “A lot of times, you can have it as another source for getting books.”

Although he’s never been to the public library, first-year graduate student Sebastian Troncoso said he would be interested in going because of the deals it offers. Allowing students to open library accounts during their MSU tenure is a good complement to other campus library opportunities, Troncoso said.

“To have a membership for three years is definitely a good deal,” he said.

Although the East Lansing Public Library does not have any formal arrangements with MSU Libraries, the university library would be open to collaboration, Library Communications Coordinator Ruth Ann Jones said.

Students of certain majors or regions of study, particularly education, are sent to the East Lansing Public Library from MSU, and the MSU Libraries are utilized by community members.

Collaborations such as this make it easier to obtain information and provides a pleasant library community in the area, Jones said.

“This is one of the things I love about librarianship — our whole default attitude is to collaborate with each other,” she said. “Sometimes we don’t even totally realize that it’s happening.”

Staff member Julia Nagy contributed to this report.

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