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E.L. City Council set to approve 2012 budget

May 16, 2011

After months of smoothing out the details, the East Lansing City Council likely will approve the budget for the 2012 fiscal year.

The council is set to approve the plan in a 7:30 p.m. meeting Tuesday at City Hall, 410 Abbot Road.

Budget planning for the 2012 fiscal year began in January, followed by special work sessions in March to sift through the details in each, Mayor Vic Loomis said.

The budget plan includes a variety of cuts to city expenditures as well as increased taxes to balance the city’s budget. The proposed raises consist of a $455,000 millage increase.

Councilmember Nathan Triplett said the council plans to increase as much as legally possible without a direct vote from the citizens. City Manager Ted Staton said that, without the millage, some residents may have seen their property taxes lowered.

“Because the value of their home is likely declining, they would have otherwise experienced a reduction in property taxes,” Staton said.

Among the cuts is a projected $200,000 reduction in sidewalk repairs throughout the next two years and the elimination of about seven city positions.

Staton said city officials are looking to find cuts that have the least impact on citizens. He said they are attempting to cut spending without reducing public services, such as police and fire.

“All of those things we are going to attempt to mitigate, but it’s all possible with the kind of reductions that are embedded in this budget,” Staton said.

Loomis said the 2012 budget plan is a continuation of the city’s effort to slowly reduce spending during the last several years and is consistent with the city’s five-year forecast.

Though the council is attempting to soften the impact on residents, they might notice small changes, such as more infrequent leaf collection, this year and in the future, he said.

After the regularly scheduled meeting, the council will hold a special work session to discuss its upcoming joint meeting with the East Lansing School Board.

As schools face monetary constraints, Triplett said the council will discuss possible solutions, which will be discussed with the board.

“Having high quality schools is one of the things that brings people to East Lansing,” Triplett said.

“Any plan that involves the closing of East Lansing neighborhood schools is something of great concern to me.”

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