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Humphrey Fellows finish program in E.L.

April 20, 2011

For Rinchen Lhazom and Munkhsoyol Baatarjav, an opportunity to experience the U.S. in a professional setting included community participation on both a university and city level.

Both women, from the countries of Bhutan and Mongolia, respectively, were awarded with the opportunity to spend 10 months in the U.S. as Humphrey Fellows, which allowed them to study courses at MSU and also observe and learn in a professional setting, among other activities.

Lhazom and Baatarjav recently concluded their work with the city of East Lansing after spending several months observing city operations.

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship program began in 1978 in honor of former Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, and provides about 200 international professionals each year with nondegree education opportunities in a university setting along with professional experiences, according to the program’s website.

Eighteen universities, including MSU, currently participate in the program.

Baatarjav, a Humphrey Fellow specializing in economics, said working with city officials, attending council meetings as well as the other experiences she had during her time in East Lansing gave her a different perspective on local government.

“(In Mongolia it’s) kind of difficult for local governors to be accountable in front of their citizens,” Baatarjav said. “My country has got a lot to learn from the U.S., including the city of East Lansing.”

Both fellows who served in East Lansing said they had the opportunity to share information about their respective countries in presentations, as well as learn new information in university courses and from observing and participating in city activities.

“I gained theoretical knowledge from the class, and practical knowledge from the city,” Baatarjav said. “It made me more confident and a more knowledgeable person.”

City Manager Ted Staton said the city typically has at least one Humphrey Fellow work in East Lansing every year.

Staton said having people such as Lhazom and Baatarjav come into the city and become involved in local activities gives city officials a different perspective on cultures from across the world.

“We all benefit from learning more about just how small the world is,” he said.

Lhazom said she was happy to soon be reaching the conclusion of the program so she can return to her homeland and family in Bhutan but said she will miss the U.S. and never will forget the experiences and new information she learned in the country.

“It’s sad when I have to leave, but my passion and my skills (acquired from the Humphrey Fellowship experience) go with me,” she said.

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