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Storm to bring ice accumulation overnight

March 22, 2011

A winter storm warning is in effect for the East Lansing area until 8 p.m. Wednesday, said John Kowaleski, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Grand Rapids.

The area is expected to receive between a quarter inch and a half inch of ice. Rain will continue throughout the evening as temperatures fall. Around midnight, there will be a freezing rain and sleet mixture, which will last until Wednesday morning. The precipitation is expected to change to snow mid-afternoon Wednesday.

“What we’re really concerned about is ice accumulation,” Kowaleski said. “The roads are probably gonna be pretty lousy (tomorrow morning). I wouldn’t be surprised if there are several schools closing.”

Economics junior Brock Veenhuis said he wasn’t looking forward to walking to class for his two exams tomorrow.

“My mom called me and told me to dress warm,” Veehuis said. “We were in T-shirts on Thursday, now we’re in winter clothes.”

Physiology junior Samy Salhardar said he’s not as worried about getting to and from class as he is about having heat in his house.

“I’m worried about power outages,” Salhardar said, “(We’re) not at all prepared.”

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