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Magazine’s second issue now out

March 16, 2011

It wasn’t a catwalk, but members of the student-run fashion magazine VIM strutted their stuff by the rock on Farm Lane to pass out the newest edition of VIM.

Some of VIM’s 40 staff members released their second issue since the fall Wednesday near the rock on Farm Lane.

The members chose to hand out the magazine at one location because it made it easier to advertise and get the word out that they would be there, said Julie Christopherson, co-editor in chief of the magazine and an interior design senior.

“We hope to get these into the hands of students — it is a free magazine,” said Danielle Lauhoff, the advertising director for VIM and advertising senior. “Last time we had a lot of leftover copies and this time we don’t want to have any left over and get some real recognition.”

With 2,000 copies to hand out, the afternoon was going well by 3 p.m., said Olivia Mashak, who is on the public relations staff for VIM and is a communication freshman.

“People have been really receptive,” she said.

Numerous students have wondered how they can help out and asking if they can take magazines to their classes, said Emily Doyle, an advertising junior on the public relations staff.

The second issue did not come together without a challenge. VIM’s first issue was funded by ASMSU and this time it relied completely on ad sales and staff fundraisers, Christopherson said.

ASMSU is MSU’s undergraduate student government.

“We really wanted to put something out there at MSU that wasn’t currently here,” she said. “We really thought that fashion and design was something that would get a wide audience and people would love it.”

When passing out the issue, many students stopped and wondered how they could get involved, said Emily Ribick, a no-preference sophomore on the public relations staff.

Time management was the biggest issue faced by the magazine, Christopherson said.

“Trying to get everyone’s schedules together for all of the staff in all areas of the magazine so everyone can get together and get stuff done is very challenging,” she said.

The name “VIM” comes from the “Michigan State Fight Song” where it says, “fighting with a vim,” Christopherson said.

“It kind of means enthusiasm, and it is how we wanted our readers to feel toward fashion and design,” she said.

The magazine might appeal to all students.

“It seems interesting,” said Jake Plaggemars, a supply chain management senior. “There’s more than just girl stuff in here. I’ll definitely have to bring it to my house — I have a couple of roommates who may be interested.”

Lauhoff said the magazine has a lot to be proud of in this issue, especially without funding.

“Being a part of it from the very beginning and then having a copy in your hand is really the most rewarding,” she said. “In this issue, there is a lot more meaningful content that readers can take stuff from in every article.”

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