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End-of-year legislation passes

January 9, 2011

State lawmakers last month wrapped up the legislative session by passing numerous of bills and meeting a handful of times before officially adjourning — but not before repealing penalties for possession and use of several drugs.

A package of bills signed by former Gov. Jennifer Granholm during a bill-signing blitz contained language striking penalties for possession and use of synthetic cannabinoid K2 and BZP, which is similar to ecstasy.

The package was passed unanimously by legislators in early December 2010. The bill containing the repeal language allows parole hearings for inmates serving life sentences for drug-related offenses.

The snafu, brought to light by a letter from Granholm to legislators, sparked a back-and-forth between at least one lawmaker and Granholm’s office.

Senator-elect Rick Jones, R-Grand Ledge, criticized Granholm for signing the legislation instead of returning it to the Legislature for a fix.

Jones, who sponsored legislation that put the drugs in the same category as marijuana and cocaine and co-sponsored the repeal bill, blamed the error on the nature of passing laws at the end of the year.

“(Granholm) made a terrible mistake,” Jones said.

Granholm spokeswoman Liz Boyd fired back at Jones, calling his criticisms “hypocritical and laughable.”

“He voted in favor of the bills that he has now criticized the governor for signing,” Boyd said.

Jones said lawmakers will make re-enacting penalties for possessing and using the drugs a priority when they return to work this week.

Incoming and returning legislators are scheduled to be sworn in Wednesday.

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