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E.L. employees might be offered same-sex benefits

January 9, 2011

The East Lansing City Council likely will extend East Lansing employee benefits to same-sex couples, in an attempt to allow for equal treatment of all city employees.

At its Dec. 14, 2010, meeting in City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, the council discussed the inclusion of Other Eligible Individual benefits, or OEI benefits, into the city’s current health care contract. OEI benefits would allow an employee in a same-sex couple to make their partner eligible for benefit coverage.

Deputy City Manager George Lahanas said city officials have considered implementing OEI benefits a number of times in the past, but waited to take action until the constitutionality of the benefit was made clearer. He said MSU and other universities offer similar benefits to their employees, and said there is a solid legal argument for OEI benefits despite state restrictions on the recognition of same-sex couples.

“(OEI) benefits have become a lot more commonplace in universities and cities around the country,” he said. “We have a lot more clarity in providing this benefit now.”

Lahanas said about three people — or 1 percent of East Lansing employees — are expected to take the benefit.

Many people are shocked East Lansing doesn’t offer these benefits to its employees already, councilmember Nathan Triplett said. Triplett has worked on bringing OEI benefits to the city since 2008 and said he feels every employee should get the chance to enjoy equal benefits.

“I think the issue is one of fundamental fairness,” Triplett said. “I’m glad we’re finally at a stage to have a public discussion about it.”

Councilmember Roger Peters said he was confident in the legal soundness of OEI benefits, and said he believes a revised plan makes sense for East Lansing.

“It sounds like courts have dealt with most of (the) constitutionality issues, and I look forward to moving forward with it,” Peters said.

The change in policy needed for the city to offer OEI benefits will be enacted during the next fiscal year if approved as part of the city’s health care contract, City Manager Ted Staton said.

At the Dec. 14, 2010, meeting the council also discussed a proposal to transfer the ownership of Landshark Bar & Grill, 101 E. Grand River Ave., from A.S. Inc. to Elevated Endeavors, LLC. The transfer was approved in the council’s Dec. 21, 2010, consent agenda.

The transfer of ownership requires 50 percent of sales generated from the Landshark Bar & Grill’s menu to be food items, a change from the less-restrictive Class C liquor license the bar held originally.

Kelly Allen, attorney of both the seller and buyer and a relative of the previous owners of the bar, said the new owners currently are working on additional items for their menu to fit the new requirements.

“It’s going to take some time because of the nature of the Landshark thus far,” Allen said. “We hope (the new owners) will bring Landshark up back to where it was in its glory days.”

Additionally, the council unanimously approved a request from the Ingham County Health Department to draft a letter of support for an access-point grant, a sum of money available from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration. The department is applying for the grant in an attempt to fund a new health clinic in East Lansing.

Planning and Community Development Director Tim Dempsey said the letter of support was not site specific, but was meant only to identify the need and necessary funding for such a clinic in the area.

“We certainly have a percentage of the permanent population (who would) benefit from the facility,” Dempsey said.

Council then took a two-week break for the holidays and will reconvene with a work session at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in City Hall.

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