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Olin, RHA prep students to fight flu

December 6, 2010

Luke Moreland knows it’s important to stay healthy with finals just around the corner.

“If you’re sick, you know your brain function is at least preoccupied to get you healthy again,” the no-preference freshman said.

Officials at Olin Health Center and the Residence Halls Association, or RHA, wish to keep
students such as Moreland in mind. The organizations are working together this week to continue their annual effort to distribute cold and flu packs to students living in the residence halls.

Emily Tschirhart, director of public relations for RHA, said 15,000 packs will be distributed throughout the week. Although Olin fronts the majority of the cost for these packs, RHA contributes $5,500, she said.

The packs contain all the essentials of treating a cold, said Dennis Martell, coordinator for health education services with Olin, including cough drops, Kleenex, tea bags and a thermometer. They also include a flier with information on how to distinguish between a cold and the flu.

Martell said the point of handing out the packs is to provide education and tips to students on how to remain healthy.

He said 60 percent of students reported suffering from a cold or flu last year, and 16 percent said it they were so sick their grades or academic performance was affected.

“We live in one of the largest contained environments in the United States outside of a military institution,” he said. “Colds and flus can run rampant very quickly in contained spaces. We’re trying to provide tools for students to prepare for cold and flu season.”

Tschirhart said the packs give students a lot of information.

“They’re designed to educate students about the differences between colds, flu and meningitis, self-care basics, when to seek medical care and preventative steps to take,” she said in an e-mail.
To receive a pack, students can visit their dorm front desk or stop by Olin.

Media arts and technology sophomore Anna Terebelo said the packs seem more effective at treating an illness, rather than preventing one.

“If we need the Kleenex and the cough drops, then we’re already sick,” she said.

“I guess it’s a nice little thing to have. Finals are stressful and you can easily get sick when you’re stressed.”

Moreland said he’s glad Olin and RHA are distributing the packs to students, although the timing might be a little off.

“I would wait until there’s a huge problem,” he said.

“Maybe make them available, so as not to waste anything moneywise. But (the packs are) not unnecessary.”

Martell said students also can stay healthy by washing their hands regularly and drinking plenty of fluids.

“I think most students want to be academically successful,” he said.

“The data indicates students actually use these packs. We thought this was an appropriate time.”

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