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MSU tailgate cookbook helps shelter

November 17, 2010

“Big Buck’s Marinated Pineapple in Southern Comfort” is part of tailgate tradition for Len Bokuniewicz. Now, not only will his recipe be shared with thousands of other Spartans through a new cookbook, it will help fund a family shelter in East Lansing.

“Anytime you can do something for someone in need, it’s a selfless thing to do, but this is fun,” Bokuniewicz said.

The second volume of Haven House’s tailgate cookbook “Tailgating on the Banks of the Red Cedar” was promoted at Schuler Books in Eastwood Towne Center on Wednesday night. The second volume of the book has been on sale for about a week, said Angela Mayeaux, Haven House executive director.

Haven House, the only family shelter in the Lansing area, has provided emergency shelter for 149 families in the past year.

The idea for the books began when a member on Haven House’s board of directors suggested it as a way to raise funds while the economy was down after his wife discovered that a nonprofit organization near the University of Notre Dame had done a similar book.

The recipes were collected via phone calls and talking to tailgaters as well as several contributions made from people who were in contact with Haven House via e-mail.

The first volume of the cookbook sold about 2,000 copies to buyers in 17 states and raised more than $20,000 for Haven House. The book sells for $15, and from that, $11 goes to Haven House — the additional $4 is used to pay the publisher.

“Half of our funding is through fundraisers and individual donations,” Mayeaux said. “As people’s ability to give what they used to give (lessens), we’ve also been hit by the economy. This helped fill the gap last year where funding may have fallen short.”

The book also has helped Haven House gain recognition within the community. Carol Brownell, a board member of Haven House and a member of the cookbook committee, said Haven House was not well known before the first volume of the book was published. Now, with their second book already available, the shelter has become more recognizable.

“It’s put a face on Haven House that I think wasn’t there before,” Brownell said. Brownell said the increased recognition of Haven House has led to more volunteers and donations.

Although the books contain roughly the same number of recipes, Mayeaux said the second version contains more variety as well as more pictures and tailgate stories.

“There are so many traditions out there. People are excited to be able to brag about their tailgate,” Mayeaux said. “It used to just be peanut butter and jelly in the parking lot, and now it’s a 42-inch TV and five grills.”

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