Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Quran burning in Florida sends the wrong message to world

This Sept. 11, a church in Florida is looking to commemorate the attacks on the U.S. in a unique way: by burning thousands of Qurans.

The church seeks to send a clear message to radical Islam, but is instead propagating a message of hate to all people who would be offended by the burning of a religion’s holy book.

As a moderate Christian, it appalls me to see such an act done in the name of God. However, like Islam, Christianity has extremists that commit acts in clear violation of what we are instructed by God to do.

The association of this church to Christians offends me as much, if not more than, the actual burning of the Quran itself.

Although I must respect the Constitutional rights of this church to spread ignorance, I have to question the ramifications on both religions from such an action.

The goal of the church should never be to polarize and offend, but instead be an outlet for showing peace, love and humility.

Ultimately, it is important to remember that our common enemy is not Islam, nor Christianity, but rather intolerance.

Allison Warr, interdisciplinary studies in social science senior

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