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Fraternity responds to MSU Alumnus' critical letter

When it came to the attention of at the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity that a social gathering titled “The Freshman ‘Fifth’teen” appeared to give a misleading impression, the decision was made to immediately cancel the event without question or hesitation.

The harsh criticism that came from Justin Lippi in his Sept. 2 letter “MSU alumnus: Fraternity event was not a good idea (SN 9/02),” incorrectly reflected the type of atmosphere and social gathering which was ultimately intended. This was simply an event to kick off the new school year.

Although our choice in title might have alluded to irresponsible behavior, I believe you will not find a more controlled and monitored party environment off-campus. We do not encourage or promote binge drinking or any other type of self-destructive behavior — especially when it comes to recruiting new members. This was not a recruitment event, nor was it an attempt by the brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha, as Lippi stated, “to prey on the vulnerable” at MSU.

Although I cannot speak for the rest of the greek fraternities on this campus, at Lambda Chi Alpha, the rules and guidelines set forth by the MSU Interfraternity Council are strictly adhered to. We pride ourselves on the safe environment our guests enjoy. I sincerely doubt you will find a party-type event off-campus during the weekends where alcohol is not served and several sober individuals are available. At every Lambda Chi Alpha event there are 15 or more sober brothers who are selected specifically to monitor all guests.

The generalizations made by those who believe fraternities are dominated by drinking and parties cannot be further from the truth. Yet, these are beliefs held by some at MSU. They make assumptions and perpetuate unfair stereotypes of our community — stereotypes that destroy our ability to survive. Although greeks make up less than 15 percent of the student body at MSU, we always seem to be the easiest of targets. Lippi fails to recognize all the good we accomplish each year.

Although the greek community numbers are comparatively small at MSU, we manage to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity and put thousands of hours into our community, while consistently maintaining a GPA above MSU’s average. Is there any other such organization that can boast the same achievements? Although I agree there might be abuse of alcohol on this campus, the greek community requires that its members are educated as to the responsible ways for its use.

I am proud to be a brother at Lambda Chi Alpha and a member of the greek community here at MSU. We are serious about our academics, our civic responsibility and our brotherhood. I would be happy to speak with anyone who says differently. I live at 342 N. Harrison Road. If you want to know what Lambda Chi Alpha is really about, how our events operate or what our brotherhood is like, I suggest you come knock on our front door.

Aaron Letzeiser, vice-president of Lambda Chi Alpha and political theory and constitutional democracy junior.

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