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Emergency fund benefits students, university

For nearly 50 students affected by fires in East Lansing and Lansing, the nightmare scenario of having their home and personal belongings destroyed is a reality.

Hopefully, MSU’s Support Our Spartans Student Emergency Needs Fund will help those students rest a little easier.
The university-managed fund was created in February to provide help to MSU students after traumatic events. The fund is designed to offer aid in circumstances when housing, clothes and other essentials are needed or a family death puts financial strain on the student.

The creation of the fund is a positive step in how the university supports its students and we recommend adding it to the long list of endowments, scholarship funds and on-campus charities MSU offers.

Students often live paycheck to paycheck without family support. It is comforting to know if something unexpected — and disastrous — happened, the university could provide support. That being said, we think placing it on the same level as other student aid organizations, such as MSU Safe Place and the MSU Student Food Bank, would allow it to benefit greatly from 5K runs, concerts or other on-campus fundraising events year-round. After that door is opened, MSU should do its best to get the ball rolling and raise awareness.

First, students need to know the fund exists. There is no doubt students often face tragedies while attending MSU and they should be informed of the help available to them.

It is in the best interest of the university to help students in any way possible and foster a sense of community among MSU students.

Also, MSU should greatly encourage local businesses and Spartans nationwide to contribute money and other resources. There are many alumni as well as individuals affiliated with MSU who directly could help the next generation of the Spartan family.

Local businesses also should support this fund because they often thrive on student business. It would be a nice gesture to loyal customers. Also, they would receive advertisement and make it known that they are friends of the university and, more importantly, its students.

Support Our Spartans presents a prime opportunity because the help received goes directly from the university to students. There is no red tape, only efficient assistance for those in need. And, as an added bonus, it counts as a tax-deductible donation.

Starting the Support Our Spartans Emergency Fund was a great idea and it is hard to believe it did not exist before now.
As of now, it is flying below the average student’s radar. The university needs to get the word out, which will lead to more students receiving help and more donors providing it.

MSU should be proud of this thoughtful and compassionate gesture toward deserving students.

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