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MSU senior receives scholarship to study in UK

December 7, 2009

Physics senior Jessica Muir recently was one of 35 people in the U.S. awarded the Marshall Scholarship, which allows outstanding students to study in the United Kingdom. Muir will be studying theoretical physics and applied mathematics at Cambridge University.

Jessica Muir spent the past two summers studying abroad, but the physics and astrophysics senior’s next stay overseas will be extended after she received a prestigious scholarship.

Muir is one of 35 students nationwide selected to receive the two-year Marshall Scholarship from the British government this year. The scholarship gives U.S. students an opportunity to study at United Kingdom institutions at a graduate level.

In her application, Muir said she plans to pursue a certificate of advanced studies of mathematics at the University of Cambridge followed by a master of philosophy in physics.

“I was very excited and shocked,” Muir said. “Even now, I get really excited that I’m going to live in England for two years and study at the University of Cambridge.”

After she was accepted into the Honors College this past fall, Muir received a recommendation to apply for the Marshall Scholarship. Then, Muir completed an application and personal statement prior to an interview in Chicago.

A typical application is about 15 pages, said Samantha Nugent, a spokesperson for the British Consulate in Chicago. She said the consulate in Chicago received about 200 applications this year and a committee narrowed the field of applicants to 24 candidates who received an interview.

When selecting recipients, Nugent said the committee considers the applicants’ undergraduate course work, community involvement, extracurricular activities and intended study plan.

“We make sure all the T’s are crossed, I’s are dotted and we make sure the students are prepared,” Nugent said.

Although the competition for the scholarship is difficult, Honors College Dean Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore said she expected Muir to do well in the selection process.

“You can never be certain with the scholarship competitions,” Jackson-Elmoore said. “However, Jessie had an extremely strong and compelling application.”

Don Muir said he almost was too excited to sleep the night his daughter called him with the news she had received the scholarship.

“It was a bit of a surprise, but a really nice surprise,” Don Muir said. “It’s such a tough scholarship to get.”

Jessica Muir said although she thought receiving the scholarship was a long shot, she knew she had to take a chance.

“I didn’t necessarily think I was going to get this,” she said. “I hoped I would, but figured if I didn’t at least apply, I knew I wouldn’t. I’m glad I did apply.”

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