Monday, July 1, 2024

ASMSU chairperson reports on accomplishments of semester

The 46th session of Student Assembly, and ASMSU as a whole, have had very productive and successful summer and fall semesters. It is important that the student body is informed of what students have collectively accomplished and what students will continue to work toward during spring semester. The assembly has been busier than in recent years, much as a result of having set collectively established goals and priorities from the beginning, and the new environment of cooperation and communication that has been created between representatives and staff. Below is an update on key student initiatives and where each will be going next semester.

1) Early in the fall, the assembly passed a bill to establish a health and safety initiative for students, as well as provide continued support for the 45th session’s Medical Amnesty project. Our Department of Governmental Affairs has been working hard over in Lansing to get amnesty language added to the state liquor law that would allow for minors in emergency situations to have amnesty from minor in possession citations. The department was successful in its advocacy efforts and a proposal was introduced in House subcommittee. The proposal passed with overwhelming support in both the subcommittee and on the House floor. Throughout the spring semester we will work hard to get the Senate to consider and pass House Bill 4876. We also will continue to work to gain more support from the university and determine how we can best accomplish this necessary change as a university community.

2) This has been a challenging year for the university, and the assembly has and will continue to review the many proposed changes. One of these changes concerns the evolving discussion about Olin Health Center and student health services. The assembly took a stance against moving Olin Health Center to the Clinical Center because of many concerns with the location and quality of care that would result from such a move. We will continue to work with the administration on evaluating the more recent decision to incorporate health services into the new neighborhood concept, and carry the student voice to administrators on proposed changes to all student support services that will be affected by economic circumstances and the implementation of the neighborhood concept.

3) The Department of Event Planning organized the annual student tailgate at the tennis courts for every home football game. This was another successful tailgating year, which included a DJ, free wings and energy drinks, free T-shirts and other items, as well as inflatable games for students. The department now is focusing its efforts on a spring concert that is expected to take place in February. Stay tuned for the artist announcement at the beginning of next semester.

4) The assembly is considering ideas to increase economic help to students including establishment of a new set of scholarships that would be in addition to the $30,000 annually that currently is given back through the Respect scholarship. The finance committee approved a bill, which will be considered by the whole assembly this week, allocating $66,000 to both the university’s Spartan Challenge and a need-based leadership scholarship. There also will be an established alumni campaign that challenges ASMSU alumni to match the organization’s contributions and establish a leadership scholarship endowment that will be self-sustaining. If the proposed bill passes, the assembly will continue to work through the specifics during spring semester.

5) Progress is being made regarding the establishment of a student health insurance plan for the association’s members and alumni. The goal is to provide another competitive plan for students and their families to choose from both now and after graduation. This initiative still is in the early stages, but will continue throughout the spring semester and ideally be in place by the end of next semester.

The 46th session has worked and will continue working to represent students at MSU. It is important for members to know there is “A New Culture of Leadership” established and demonstrated in conjunction with student goals and priorities. It is truly an honor to be a leader and small voice among the many that collectively will make progress toward addressing student issues.

Kyle Dysarz

Political theory and constitutional democracy senior and Student Assembly chairperson

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