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Web exclusive: Women’s rowing team finish 6th in national championship

May 31, 2009

Although the No. 7-ranked MSU women’s rowing team didn’t win the national championship in the NCAA National Regatta on Sunday in Cherry Hill, N.J., tying the university’s top finish of sixth place with 54 points wasn’t a bad way to spend the weekend.

The Spartans entered this weekend’s regatta with expectations of winning the national championship — an award that went to Stanford — but finished on a high note with first-place finishes in all three events following less-than-stellar performances in Friday’s heats and Saturday’s semifinals.

“They were a little bit disappointed and a bit ticked off and they recognized that we weren’t going to win, and we had expectations of being in the top three,” said head coach Matt Weise. “But they rose to the occasion this morning and recognized they could do well and still race well … Today was some of the most consistent and best races in school history.”

The Spartans also placed sixth in 2006 and 2008.

MSU finished first in the petite finals for the varsity eight and second varsity eight races and took first in the third-level final of the varsity four to start the day.

Junior Michelle Mussett said seeing the varsity four take first place inspired the rest of the team to take first in their races.

“Seeing the team kind of unite today was a great feeling,” she said. “We’ve really kind of gone back to the basics and were able to row the way we wanted to.”

Senior Ashley Wenneman said the team was distraught by its outcome in heats and the semifinals, but she told the team to band together to end the season on a positive note.

“I told my boat this morning that we may not be racing for a national championship, but we are racing to win,” she said. “Just be confident and race to win, always.”

And after stepping up in the final day, Wenneman was part of a team that earned its place in the MSU history books.

“It’s incredible,” she said. “It’s probably one of the best feelings you could have and it’s a life-changing experience to be a part of this team.”

Weise said the team’s ability to fight back has them “fired up” and ready to hit the training room for the offseason. Although the team will not be closely monitored in East Lansing during the offseason, Weise said Sunday’s finish will serve as a motivator for a team that could contend for next year’s national championship.

In the coming weeks, Weise said he and the coaching staff will review tapes and consider altering the training program — but Mussett already knows where the team could use a little work.

“I think from this weekend we can tell that our second half needs to be stronger,” she said. “We need to train that second 1,000 (meters).”

From Wenneman’s viewpoint, finishing won’t be a problem next year.

“I think the finish today and finish this weekend is giving everyone motivation,” she said. “We’re not losing a lot of seniors out of our top boat. We can and we will be faster next year.”

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