Monday, July 1, 2024

Pulling out article leaves out critical information about study

I think the comments at about the article Got protection? Study finds pulling out effective (SN 6/8) speak for themselves: The withdrawal method is not newsworthy and students still do not feel that it is an effective form of birth control.

After reading the original article that sparked this story, found at, it is clear that Ms. Cumbers is only relaying part of the story.

None of the survey respondents regarding the withdrawal method were college-aged, and almost all were in a monogamous, heterosexual relationship where the primary concern was pregnancy prevention.

There is no mention of the desire that students have to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

We know our students deserve better than this hardly informed article that is inclusive of all sexualities and shows both sides of the story.

Erica Phillipich

health educator at the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Olin Health Center

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