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SN style: Unisex boat shoes offer comfort, nostalgia as warm weather footwear

April 27, 2009

“My parents used to wear these shoes,” said international relations and German junior Emily Burwinkle, referring to Sperry Top-Siders, the now-popular boat shoe, which was designed in 1935 and was once regulation footwear for the U.S. Navy. “Actually, my dad still does wear them,” she said.

Deck shoes may be nautical in origin, but these casual shoes have left the world of sailboats and yachting to become a staple in the closets of both men and women.

Deck shoes are manufactured by a variety of companies, with styles available at many different stores such as clothing retailer Banana Republic or outerwear company Orvis. While many different companies produce this style of footwear, perhaps the most popular manufacturer is Sperry Top-Sider, a company specializing in marine footwear and other fashion accessories.

For some Sperry-wearing students, the inspiration behind this style often draws from memories of older family members wearing deck shoes.

“My dad’s always worn them and I used to crack on him about wearing them, and then a couple of years ago I got a pair and realized they were just comfortable,” MSU alumnus Scott Sweeney said.

Sweeney, who often sports the shoes without socks, said he likes the shoes because of the versatility of their style.

“You can just wear them with jeans, you can wear them with shorts, you can wear them with everything really and you can wear them to work,” Sweeney said.

Sweeney also said the Sperry Top-Sider brand of shoes he wears are quite durable.

“They last a long time,” Sweeney said. “It’s not a matter of really wearing them out, they just fade their color and everything, but they don’t ever get really worn out.”

Men aren’t the only ones borrowing a style from their dad’s closets. Emily Burwinkle, a junior studying international relations and German, said her father first introduced her to the practical footwear.

“I wear them because they’re comfortable; I got into them because my dad always wears Top-Siders,” Burwinkle said.

Burwinkle said the shoe’s marine heritage makes them well-suited for walking to class in a variety of conditions.

“They’re great for when it’s raining because they’re technically boat shoes,” Burwinkle said. “You don’t have to worry about them getting wet or ruined.”

Sperry Top-Siders are available in a variety of materials, colors and styles. The online clothing retailer sells this brand of deck shoes at prices from about $50 to $190. The retailer Macy’s, 1982 W. Grand River Ave., sells the Sperry Top-Sider Bahama Boat Shoe for $60 while the Sperry Top-Sider Sperry Gold Cup Boat Shoes are $170.

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