Monday, July 1, 2024

Casual use of pill may be hazardous

Dennis Martell

Dr. D.,

I wanted to know how you feel about using Viagra for longer sex. I am 20 years old and I really don’t have a problem keeping it up, but I have heard that it will make you stay up longer. Are there any side effects or problems with me using it?

— Want to Last Longer

Dear WTLL,

So you want to have Energizer Bunny sex? I must say this question seems to be “coming up” more and more these days. Viagra, which has been around since about 1998, was intended to be used for men with erectile problems, i.e. not being able to maintain or initiate an erection. Recently two other drugs, Cialis and Levitra, have “popped up” to compete with Viagra. It should be noted that none of these drugs can necessarily make you have an erection. There still needs to be intent and desire. In most cases, they will allow for the erection to last longer and in some cases the erection also will be firmer. Either way, as I will reiterate, one still has to have intent and desire for these drugs to work to create an erection.

Unfortunately, these drugs have begun to gain a standing in both the gay and straight communities as a recreational sexual enhancer. The health center has even seen their share of men, both straight and gay, who have come in claiming they are having erectile or performance problems in the hope of being prescribed Viagra. Many of these men are sent my way by the clinics in the hope that I may offer them some educational intervention tips on how to overcome their “problem.” In almost all cases when a medical reason cannot be found for the erectile problem that the person presents with, they won’t even bother showing up for the appointment with me. This usually indicates that they were just looking for a prescription fix and not an educational/counseling fix.

This is not to say there are not those who really need it. Erectile problems are fairly common in men, but not usually men in their late teens or early 20s. Almost all men will have some type of erectile problem at some point in their life. Sometimes the cause is as simple as just being tired or stressed out. Other times it could be the relationship and the difficulties of negotiating sex and the complexities and stress that can bring. Still, others will have a more serious underlying medical problem such as diabetes or certain circulatory conditions. Having said that, if maintaining an erection is a principle part of one’s sexuality, then I would have to say that literally millions of men have gained back their sexual identity and prowess from the use of these drugs.

What you need to know is that Viagra is a powerful drug. It affects erections by increasing the mechanics of blood flow to the penis. Sorry to say, it also can affect other parts of the body similarly. Therein lies part of the reason you should not bypass your doctor when looking to take Viagra.

Serious side effects like heart attacks and cerebrovascular hemorrhages have been reported, along with a host of other nonlethal ones. People who are taking drugs for angina or heart problems should always consult their doctor before taking Viagra. Another serious side effect is how the chemicals in Viagra can affect your eyes and how you perceive color.

There have been two other possible problems that have been noted when taking Viagra recreationally or in cases when the individual really does not need it for medical reasons anymore. First, there is a chance that the user could become addicted to needing it. Their erections become dependent on it. Second, there are studies that show both recreational and medical users might put themselves at more risk for unprotected intercourse, thus raising their chances of contracting an STI. The drug in no way causes the behavior or the transmission of the STI; but because they can maintain an erection longer, it can cause prolonged exposure, when unprotected, which can put one at increased risk for contracting an STI if the partner they are with has one. Either way, education about risks and side effects need to be known by both partners, especially the user.

Dude, let me just offer you a bit of advice. Obtaining longer and firmer erections is not the answer to obtaining sexual nirvana. The answer lies more in obtaining a healthy sense of self and respect for both you and your partner so your encounters may be steeped in the passion of your communication and knowledge. It’s not about staying up longer and harder. It’s about going into it calmer and smarter! Carpe boner!

— Dr. D.

Dennis Martell, Ph.D., is a coordinator of Olin Health Center education. E-mail him your questions at

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