Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Temperatures could approach 60 this week

February 9, 2009

High temperatures in the mid-50s Tuesday could break a 133-year-old local temperature record tomorrow.

After a patch of light rain sweeps through Monday night, temperatures could approach 60 degrees in the Lansing area if clouds quickly clear out in the morning, said Ernie Ostuno, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service in Grand Rapids. The record high for Feb. 10 is 57 degrees, set in 1876, and the average high is 31 degrees.

Warm air from the south is bringing this relative heat wave to mid-Michigan, Ostuno said. The area suffered through a cold January — the temperature was six degrees below the monthly average — but February has brought temperatures closer to normal ranges.

While Tuesday’s weather could set records, the warmth isn’t expected to last for long. Forecasts call for storms and temperatures in the low 50s on Wednesday before snow and temperatures near freezing are expected to return Thursday.

Ostuno said there is little threat of flooding from the rain and snow melt Tuesday.

“We’re kind of lucky because Saturday, the winds tended to melt off a lot of the snow,” Ostuno said.

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