Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Editorial should have cited sources, statistics, quotes

The editorial Be specific when giving sex activity statistics (SN 2/12) appears to be completely unsubstantiated. I can only imagine the marks it would receive if this were turned in as a paper for class.

The entire editorial focused on how implausible the statistics quoted are, which is a fine argument, except outside sources were never cited. Everyone desires to be respected by their companions and respecting ourselves is the first step in that. We all need to give ourselves more credit we have been taught safe sex methods and the dangers of an overly zealous sex life since we were young children. I’m devoutly Catholic and amazed that such secular programs encourage such moral behavior, but I can believe it, thanks to Olin Health Center’s documented, objective, anonymous survey. The report is in PDF at

?Melvin Sears?

chemical engineering junior

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