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Police: Woman attacked near Hubbard Hall

November 23, 2008

A 19-year-old student was assaulted in Lot 91 near Hubbard Hall Friday, MSU police reported.

The student parked her car and was crossing the railroad tracks at 9:45 p.m. when two men hit her and started tearing her clothes, police said.

She suffered minor injuries to her hands, but declined medical attention, MSU police Sgt. Jill Geile said. The student did not see or hear anything before the men hit her and she could not describe the assailants, Geile said. Police are looking for suspects.

The sidewalk between Lot 91 and Hubbard Hall is not very well lit and the area near the railroad tracks is surrounded by bushes, said criminal justice and psychology junior Simone Terfa. She walks between the parking lot and the dorm two or three times a week.

“I always look in the corner by the bushes to see if anyone is lurking there or coming across from Hannah Plaza,” she said.

But the best way students can be safe on campus is to walk with other people and know the surroundings, Geile said.

“Know where you’re going — have a plan,” she said. “Know where the nearest help is so if you have a chance to run away, you can run to (help) as soon as possible.”

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