Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Learning how to deal with the partier...

It’s a Thursday night, and perhaps you’ve decided to hit the sack a bit early to wake up in time for your 8 a.m. class. You get a few hours of sleep, but then your roommate comes stumbling home at 3 a.m.

Let’s say they knock over a lamp and wake you up, stub their toe, start yelling and then, just to top it off, vomit on the carpet.

Congratulations, you’re rooming with a partier.

“The partier tends to provoke the most trouble in a relationship, because those are the people who interrupt your spare time and your quiet time,” Martell said.

Don’t let the “everybody parties” mentality get to you when confronting your crazy roommate about their drinking and partying habits, Dennis Martell, health education services coordinator at Olin Health Center said.

“The partier is the (kind of roommate) that most people … don’t know how to deal with because they think everybody parties. So you have to understand what the norm is on campus … you really have to stand up for what you believe in, especially if they’re interfering with your time,” Martell said.

Oh, and if they throw up on the floor, make sure they’re the ones who clean it up.

—Compiled by Dan Faas, The State News

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