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MSU improves sexual health ranking

October 29, 2008


Trojan brand condoms ranked MSU 36th out of 139 colleges in their annual Sexual Health Report Card — up from last year’s 75th spot. The grades rate sexual health resources and services.

MSU received a 3.13 grade on a four-point scale, which is ninth in the Big Ten.

The State News spoke with Erica Phillipich, sexual health promotion coordinator at Olin Health Center, about MSU’s program.

State News Where does Olin rank sex education among its other concerns on campus?

Erica Phillipich Comprehensive sexuality education is absolutely an important concern on campus. We have an aggressive condom distribution program in partnership with Residence Halls Association, free and anonymous HIV counseling and testing and outreach programs to groups and organizations both on and off campus.

SN How important do you feel it is to raise our Trojan “grade”?

EP It’s important to note that the survey was performed through a biased process and measures resources based on outside indicators. We measure our success and program effectiveness through our inside factors, specifically National College Health Assessment data. We know that we are doing a great job providing our students resources, particularly in regards to condom use.

We know that 61 percent of MSU students used a condom the last time they had sex, compared to only 52 percent nationally (NCHA 2008).

SN What does MSU have for sex resources that some other colleges do not?

EP We offer a wide variety of comprehensive sexual health resources that include body image, pleasure and satisfaction, sensuality and safer-sex alternatives. We also do a great deal of collaborative work, including Women’s Healthy Sexuality Month in February with the Women’s Resource Center, as well as Sexposure on (the Impact radio station, WDBM (88.9-FM)) on a monthly basis.

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