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Fiscal year 2009 budget passed

The U.S. Senate passed the final fiscal year 2009 budget resolution Thursday.

The budget includes an environmental job initiative lead sponsored by U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., that could create jobs in Michigan.

Part of the focus of the $2 billion Stabenow Green Collar Jobs Initiative is on regenerating the struggling auto industry in state.

“This budget puts families across Michigan and across our country first, creating good-paying jobs here at home,” said Stabenow in a statement. “I’m proud my work on the Budget Committee enabled me to able to fight successfully for the inclusion of my Green Collar Jobs Initiative.”

The plan provides federal money to retool older manufacturing plants to produce hybrids and environmentally friendly vehicles, as well as investing in biofuels and training for the new jobs.

“This budget truly invests in the future of our green economy by promoting education and job training, providing new technology and research, and reducing our dependence on foreign oil,” Stabenow said.

The budget also focused on health care, restoring cuts made to Medicare and Medicaid, and reducing prescription fees for the nation’s veterans.

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