When I heard the Royal Hanneford Circus was coming to Breslin Center and after reading a bit about it, I was appalled. No one has anything good to say about the circus. It has violated USDA regulations numerous times in the past 12 years — allowing animals with painful foot problems to perform and suffer, and by failing to provide adequate veterinary care, not to mention by keeping animals in cages that are legally too small.
The circus failed to provide up-to-date tuberculosis test records in the past, and when the records were finally given, one of the elephants tested positive, with the other two elephants having come in close contact. Dogs live in cages with less than six inches of headroom and less than five square feet of floor space. I cannot understand why MSU would want to promote something that allows for such atrocities, nor will I support it. I vote no on the circus in East Lansing!