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Drew Neitzel an overrated player, not a team leader

I love the Spartans and I always will. I am stating this because I am about to say something that will likely be met with open hostility: If the 2007-08 MSU men’s basketball team is going to have any success this season, someone other than preseason “all-universe” guard Drew Neitzel will have to step up.

It has become painfully obvious that Neitzel is not going to get it done. Even though he scored 21 against Indiana, 7-of-16 shooting with one assist is hardly “giving his all to get a win.” The truth is Neitzel has had a grand total of two decent games this year. He lazily slaps at the ball while dribbling, and he’s a turnover machine. Neitzel is slow, lazy with the basketball and a mediocre shooter. Worst of all, he is not a leader.

During the Bradley game in December, he can be heard on ESPNU berating team whipping post Goran Suton under the basket, saying things that even a coach should not say. Neitzel also is quoted in the media saying “the team” needs to do something. He has never, to my knowledge, admitted that his play has been anything less than a gargantuan dud. Neitzel is the most overrated Spartan athlete since Bert Vaughn played quarterback here in the late ’70s.

Everyone else’s shortcomings have been well documented. Several players have had their playing time cut, or no longer get off the bench at all. But at the same time, one entitled player coasts above any and all criticism.

The NBA is very good at spotting over-hyped college players and showing them the door. I truly hope Neitzel is studying — he may need his degree to get a job.

Mike Blank

public relations graduate student

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