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RHA addresses campus drinking water

November 4, 2007

When ASMSU discussed whether or not they should pursue a “Worst Water on Campus” competition between the dorms, MSU Residence Halls Association Vice President Christopher Wickman said the idea wouldn’t accomplish anything.

ASMSU might think they hear a lot of complaints about the quality of MSU’s water, but in relation to how much RHA hears from students, there is no comparison, said Wickman, ASMSU’s RHA representative.

ASMSU is MSU’s undergraduate student government.

At the Oct. 25 Student Assembly meeting, ASMSU officials voted against the campaign, with a majority of the representatives agreeing that water filtering machines for each floor might be a better idea.

“The short-term solution is getting water machines in the residence halls which provides not just safe water, but quality water as well,” RHA President Mark Dobson said. “That’s definitely a move for a quality short-term solution.”

Some dorms have these machines in them; however, in those cases they are not on every floor.

Dobson said water quality and water safety cannot be blurred together.

“It drives me nuts that students are told every year that there is a water-quality safety report that states it is safe to drink and there is nothing wrong with the water,” he said. “They are two different statements and people cannot connect them like that — it’s a faulty connection.”

Psychology sophomore Lucy Kulhanek said the machines are necessary.

“Even when you try to filter it yourself, it doesn’t taste good,” she said. “You have to let it sit in the fridge until it’s cold. RHA should meet with the proper position holders and have meetings to get this fixed.”

Dobson said students need to pursue long-term solutions.

“Students look for immediate answers,” he said. “Freshmen get here their first year, they don’t like the water and they think, ‘What can be done during my time here on campus?’ That’s a great way to look at it — but we need to look at future Spartans, too.”

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