Santa Claus has been used to promote many holiday products throughout the years.
But a Taser? Come on.
James Andersen
Santa Claus has been used to promote many holiday products throughout the years.
But a Taser? Come on.
Taser International, Inc., uses Santa on the front of its Web site saying, “What does Santa bring you when you have been good but the world is getting bad?”
Really, is this necessary?
While the holidays are rapidly approaching, I have no problem with companies stepping up to promote their products. However, I’m bothered by the extravagant advertising that is pushing people into wanting and owning a Taser to “stay safe.”
And now Mom’s getting in on it, too.
Consider for example that some individuals now hold Taser parties, where an off-duty cop comes in and shows people a variety of different Tasers and lets them practice with the weapons on targets. Arizona resident Lynne Rigberg did just that recently and brought out the chips and dips to boot. I don’t think a Taser party merits the same treatment as a Mary Kay makeup or a Rubbermaid party.
At any rate, I don’t know that there will be many Taser parties held in Michigan anytime soon. As of December 2002, it is illegal to own a Taser in Michigan unless you are a law enforcement official, and owning one illegally carries a four-year felony charge or a fine of not more than $2,000 or both.
Advertising for Tasers also gives potential buyers and consumers different color options. The most popular appears to be a bright “shocking” pink, which is offered on R-1 Defense’s Web site and “promotes courage, confidence and peace of mind.”
Pink, hmm. Wonder who they’re targeting? These companies have themselves a great marketing scheme considering the ladies can now match their shoes and purses with their brand new Tasers.
This is ridiculous. A Taser should not be treated like a cell phone or an iPod.
James Andersen is a State News staff writer. Reach him at
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