Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Things you probably didn't know about Devil's Night

Before the cute kids in costumes and the happy trick-or-treaters, cities such as Detroit have to get through Oct. 30 — a night associated with arson, egg throwing and vandalism.

Here are a few things you might not have known about Devil’s Night.

1. Nights of arson associated with pre-Halloween drinking originated in Detroit with petty crimes. The crimes eventually grew and turned into more vicious acts, such as setting buildings ablaze.

2. In 1984, Oct. 30 officially became known as Devil’s Night.

3. Devil’s Night was a tradition before World War II.

4. The night is typically celebrated by throwing eggs, toilet-papering houses, smashing pumpkins and, in some cases, starting fires.

5. This year, Detroit will impose a curfew for Devil’s Night. Those under the age of 18 are not allowed to be on the city’s streets unaccompanied by a parent or guardian between the hours of 6 p.m. on Oct. 30 and 6 a.m. on Oct. 31.

6. Rap band D12 named their first album after the night.

7. Devil’s Night is portrayed in movies such as “The Crow.”

8. Former Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer formed a group in 1995 called Angels’ Night Volunteer Campaign to help stop crime on Devil’s Night. The group recruits volunteers to patrol the streets of Detroit.

9. Arson has accounted for about half of all fire-related deaths in Detroit since 1984.

10. In 2000, there were 167 fires reported between Oct. 29 and Oct. 31.

Source: The State News

— Compiled by Colleen Maxwell

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