Monday, July 1, 2024

Hello, my name is John Razmal

John Razmal, co-owner of New York Deli, located at 547 E. Grand River Ave., shows off one of the sandwiches available at the restaurant.

He’s always sitting there waiting to help the next customer walking through his doors. John Razmal, who runs New York Deli, 547 E. Grand River Ave., said he loves working in the area. “I like the students, it’s a nice area,” said Razmal, who opened the deli about two months ago, and business has been slow ever since.The restaurant serves everything from sandwiches to gyros, chicken to hot dogs. Razmal saw the space was open when he came to visit friends two years ago and decided to open up a restaurant. He already owned a similar restaurant in Las Vegas.

The name “New York Deli” was thought up by his partner, who was from New York. Now that his partner has left the project, Razmal is thinking of changing the name. “People tell me they don’t like the name,” he said.

— Compiled by Joseph Terry

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